The Problem with Business Growth

Business GrowthThe problem with growth in business is that it can make many issues inside the firm highlighted or appear. Growing slow is easy. Growing fast can be challenging, especially when you don’t have an appropriate service model, processes, and/or the right staff in place. Many wish for this “problem,” but when you run into it, it is like a surprise party you absolutely did not want. I have seen firms truly feel that they were prepared, possibly even overstaffed and ready for the growth, who still have run into multiple new challenges with service.

One way to make sure you are meeting the needs of all of your clients during periods of growth and expansion is by conducting a survey. Using Survey Monkey or even a paper survey can be very helpful to not just “feel” like you know what is happening in your business, but to truly be able to see and analyze the service climate.

A client survey could consist of these types of questions/statements where an individual ranks you between 1 and 5, with a 1 meaning they completely disagree, to a 5 where they completely agree with the statement:

1. Our organization is totally committed to the idea of keeping you informed and satisfied.
2. Rather than having to undo mistakes, we seem to “do things right the first time.”
3. Our organization appears to be totally committed to the idea of quality.
4. When it comes to our services, we play more of a consultative and partnership role with you.
5. We regularly provide information of value to you.
6. We have adequate contact with you.
7. We make it easy for you to do business with us.
8. Our employees often go above and beyond to serve you well.
 Anyone in particular? _____________________________________________
9. We sincerely try to answer all of your questions.
10. We make it easy for you to contact us.
11. Our employees seem to have a good understanding of all our products and services.
12. Would you/Have you shared information about our firm with someone else who has a need for financial services? Yes/No
If No, why not? ___________________________________________________

Sending out a survey to all of your clients one to two times per year is smart business. You may also want to send out a mid year survey to all of your newest clients.

Growing is something we want and need, but when the goals are aggressive, the commitment to service and the organization need to be just as aggressive. You certainly don’t want the growth to be the reason your continued growth is stalled.

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