A Powerful Solution for Giving Your Prospects A Clue About Who You Really Are

There is a major issue in financial services, and it very well may be holding you back from getting the new clients you desire. I wonder if you have recognized it also. When you walk into a business function or cocktail party and introduce yourself as a financial advisor, the majority of people will want to get away. Why are advisors so repelling? Shouldn’t you be attractive based on all the meaningful work that you do in this noble profession?

Think about it – your clients love you. They know the often life-changing work you have done for them. They come to visit your office when they don’t even have an appointment. It is a strong relationship. Then why on earth would your prospects not want the same type of business relationship?

Because they simply don’t know.

Your prospects think you are going to try to sell them something. And by “sell” I mean to pressure them to buy something they don’t want or feel they need. Again, not true, is it?

Then, when someone searches online to find out about you, they may find a bio filled with awards (presumably for selling a lot), and stiff financial verbiage. In fact, this just enhances just what they initially expected – someone who is perhaps stiff, may judge them, and likely will try to sell them something they don’t want or need.

The Solution:

Use video to show the authentic you that is different from what they may assume. Video can be used to allow someone to get to know you, share your uniqueness, talk about what you do, personally share how you work with clients, and explain your specific expertise areas. These videos (additional tips here) can be used on your website, on social media, in your office, and to share with clients and strategic alliances to enhance referrals.

The most influential way to stand out is to authentically and personally let your prospects in on the secret that your clients already know about who you are, how you work, and the outcomes and results that can occur.

If you are interested in using video and not sure where to start, join us at The Advisor Thought Leader Summit in Kansas City on August 12-13. It is an event focused on best practices for video and you will leave with your own recorded video from the event. Come for one or both event days! Check out this recap of last year’s event.

We must be able to change the fact that in an industry where you are actually helping others, that many just assume you won’t, don’t, or can’t. The problem wasn’t caused by you, but it must be overcome.

Additionally, check out better ways to introduce yourself in public and share your story in writing. See previous articles: Create An Elevator Statement and Write a Compelling Bio).

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