Author Archives: Maribeth Kuzmeski

6 Tips to Conquer Content Writing by Lunchtime

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As a financial advisor, you know you need to be producing and disseminating original content. You know it not only improves your SEO, but establishes you as an expert in your field and serves as a way to build trust and bond with prospects and clients online. This means you need to conquer content writing!

But, content creation isn’t your forte and the mere thought of writing one article—let alone one article a week—puts a lump in your throat.  

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Advisors, Meet Presenter Coach—Your One-Way Ticket to Presentations that Impress

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You have a big presentation or prospect pitch (live or virtual) coming up and you’re getting a bit nervous. You know there is a lot on the line here. So, how are you going to prepare? Will you rehearse for a colleague who may or may not give you honest (or reliable) feedback? Give your presentation in front of a mirror? Or maybe just wing it? Now you can take the guesswork out of your performance by using a tool in PowerPoint that helps you evaluate your presentation.

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4 Signs Your Brand is Broken and What You Can Do to Fix It

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If your brand were to wake up in the morning and look and the mirror, what would it look like? Dress like? Sound like? What would it say?  

Would it be confident or meek? Outgoing or introverted? Noticeable or overlooked? Exciting or blasé? 

When I speak about the importance of branding, I can’t help but want to draw the analogy between branding and identity. I find it’s often easier to understand just how important it truly is when you think of it in these terms.

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Digital Storytelling – Bring Your Stories to Life Online

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Digital Storytelling uses multimedia tools to bring stories or narratives to life. Digital stories are versatile and can cover a wide variety of topics. You may create them to explain a concept, to educate in an interactive way, or even to recap an event.  Digital stories usually are videos that include music, other audio, images, and video clips with text overlay (or captions) that come together to tell the story. 

Like with any marketing project, you’ll want to begin with the end in mind by answering the following questions:

  • Goal/ Purpose: What do you hope to accomplish by sharing this story?

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How to Get the Most From a Virtual Conference

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While virtual conferences are certainly nothing new, they have undoubtedly skyrocketed in popularity in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing, travel restrictions, and growing health concerns all but eliminated the ability for businesses and entrepreneurs to hold and attend in-person conferences that were once an integral part of their marketing strategies.  

I personally have spoken at more than 50 virtual meetings, webinars and conferences since May 2020. I want to share with you what I’ve learned both from being a presenter as well as from attendees and conference hosts as to how to make the most of these events.

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