Author Archives: Maribeth Kuzmeski

Risking New Business by Stepping Out

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Comfort ZoneThere are definitive correlations between doing something different, taking potential risks, and finding more success. Have you counted the number of times you have gone outside of your comfort zone? Every day? Every week?

If you go outside of your comfort zone and take even a small risk just one time per day, you could be making opportunities.

What would happen if one day you decide to do something different than what you usually do?

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The Less You Talk, The More People Will Like You

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Are you likable? Did you know that the best way to become more likable is by NOT talking? (This is a hard lesson for someone who speaks for a living). But there is a catch; remaining silent is not the answer either. Research suggests that the best way to engage with someone is to get THEM to talk.

When you think about it, this makes perfect sense. Consider this – what does the person that you are having a conversation with care more about – themselves or you?

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Numbers Don’t Lie: So Why Don’t We Look at Them First?

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Analytics reportsNumbers don’t lie. But we often lie to ourselves when we don’t know the numbers. Gut decisions are good, but if we can access the numbers to help us make better decisions, the numbers are invaluable.

What numbers am I talking about? I’m talking about results-based numbers, including the following:

1. Future Sales: A number, presented monthly, of new prospects, hot prospects, potential sales, future clients in your pipeline,

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Give ‘em Something To Talk About!

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Clients talkingPopular advice says that you should create client experiences to get ahead in business. I agree with that, but I do think there is something even more important. The real differentiator comes when you give clients a memorable experience.

What kind of experience is your firm giving to your clients? If you suspect that your clients are not talking about you, it may be time to make a change. To borrow a phrase from singer and songwriter,

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Think Big, Act Bigger

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Has anyone ever told you, or have you thought to yourself, that maybe you are not setting your sights high enough? The problem with that is that there will always be someone who is selling more, making more, or just being more impactful. I just read the new book by Jeffrey Hayzlett called, “Think Big, Act Bigger” and I was surprisingly inspired by his take on how we can push ourselves to higher levels.

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