Category Archives: Business

Johanna Zeilstra: Working to Focus Presidential Debates On Women’s Issues

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Among 700 questions asked in more than 20 primary debates, only 6 were on women’s issues that were not related to abortion or Planned Parenthood.

As there are many more that merit the attention of our presidential candidates, listen in as Johanna Zeilstra, established business strategist and Global Ambassador for the SmartWomen Project, talks about co-founding The Women’s Debate (, a nonpartisan group curating critical questions on women’s issues to be posed to presidential candidates.

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Debra Duneier: Creating Incredible Success Stories Using Feng Shui

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Ever wondered why sometimes you just don’t have the energy to get through the day? Maybe it was because of your environment all along.

In today’s episode, Maribeth interviews Debra Duneier, a certified eco-designer, LEED associate, and feng shui practitioner who will open up about the secrets of how to make your space work for you in a very holistic way.

Debra will talk about Eco Chi, a company she started that focuses on designs that have a unique combination of green and sustainability,

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The Prospect Predisposition

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By Maribeth Kuzmeski

Your prospect has a predisposition. When prospects meet with you for the first time, usually they already feel positive, negative or neutral about doing business with you. The mindset they come to you with can be a critically important factor in determining whether they will eventually do business with you or not. Why is this the case?

Our predispositions often play out the way we think they will.

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Tracy Samantha Schmidt: From The Youngest Reporter at TIME To Sharing The Secrets To Social Media

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Just how good is your social media marketing strategy? Get some tips on how to become more social media savvy in today’s interview with Tracy Samantha Schmidt, a top social media educator and strategist who founded her own firm, Socially Authentic, to help enterprises improve their social media strategy design.

Tracy will talk about her experiences as a journalist for companies like Time Magazine, especially with how she started out by covering the rise of Facebook.

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Sharon Vinderine: How She Developed A Popular Consumer Seal Of Approval for Families

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How do you build from scratch a credible organization that offers a sure seal of approval from 70,000 families nationwide? Find out in today’s interview with Sharon Vinderine, a TV personality and CEO of Parent Tested Parent Approved (PTPA), a company known for giving a guaranteed seal of approval for family-friendly products.

Sharon will talk about the humble beginnings of the PTPA, and how she made it grow into a well-known organization whose Seal of Approval is among the top 3 recognized seals in the US today.

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