Category Archives: Business

Does Your Talent Call the Shots and Unintentionally Hurt Your Strategy?

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By Maribeth Kuzmeski

In sports, the goal is to fill your team with the most talented players that will contribute to winning. I would suggest that in order to win you need both talent and strategy, of course. But is that how your business operates?

In financial services practices I find that the most talented individuals are usually the lead advisors on their team or in their firm.

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Jessica Robinson: Postpone The Big Promotion-For The Right Reasons

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Ever wondered whether you should take that opportunity, despite it not fitting into your ultimate objectives?

Take advice from Jessica Robinson, CEO and founder of PurePoint International and board member of several non-profits, such as World Pulse and the UN’s Women Committee on Private/Public Partnerships.

She will talk about her own rise through the ranks, from working in the private sector to managing her very own international firm.

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Maura Cunningham: Inspiring Young Girls To Rock Wall Street

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Financial planning is key to a successful future. However, a lot of women believe that working with numbers may be too challenging for them, when the reverse is actually true. Thankfully, there are organizations like Rock The Street, Wall Street that aim to show young girls and women just how fun finance can be.

In today’s episode, listen in to learn how Maura Cunningham, founder of Rock The Street, Wall Street,

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Sheila Dancho: How to Celebrate Rejection and Find Wild Success

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Everyone has certain fears that may be holding them back from becoming wildly successful. Listen to how Sheila Dancho, a long-time entrepreneur with three diversified businesses and 25 years of experience in direct sales, deals with these fears while helping others achieve their goals and dreams.

Sheila starts with her own story of how she shifted from the corporate world to network marketing, thanks to some game-changing experiences that changed her life.

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Dorri McWhorter: Remember the YWCA? An Innovative Transformation for Women Empowerment

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The YWCA has had a long legacy for providing social services to a number of different communities. Learn more about its journey of transformation from a 140-year-old social service agency to a twenty-first century social enterprise in today’s interview with Dorri McWhorter, the current CEO of YWCA Chicago and one of the top women innovators listed in Chicago’s #TheBlueNetwork.

Dorri tells the story of how her experience in a number of corporate positions gave her the perspective to find new solutions for the YWCA’s transformation.

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