Category Archives: Business

Bring Back Focus or End Up Multitasking Your Way to Disappointing Results

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Did you know that multi-tasking your marketing doesn’t really work? The more projects we start and the more marketing we throw out there – often the less productive it all becomes. Is it better to focus time and energy to get one project working to generate leads and new business or to have 10 projects splitting focus which all seem disappointing?

And with multitasking in general, the thought is that because we are so busy we almost have to do more than one thing at a time to accomplish the growing list of activities that pull on our limited time.

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Deborah Hicks Midanek: Getting Your Voice Heard in the Boardroom

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What does it take for a woman to make her voice heard in a male-dominated boardroom?

Find out from Deborah Hicks Midanek, a seasoned corporate director and executive who has sit across multiple boards and has helped provide solutions for more than 60 companies in corporate America.

She talks about her own humble beginnings, and how she worked to propel herself to the top of the corporate ladder.

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Showing Clients the “Magnificent View”

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If your clients are not talking about how great you are – perhaps, just perhaps, they don’t recognize all you do. If a client has been working with a financial advisor for a few years, do they recognize all the above and beyond activities that are being done for them or do they consider it just regular service? Do your clients know how unique you are compared to the competition? Do they have something interesting to tell their friends and colleagues about what you do?

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Barbara Stanny: Prince Charming Isn’t Coming – How she lost everything, got it back, and then some!

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Ever wonder how women with six-figure salaries ended up so successful?

Learn their secrets from Barbara Stanny, a best-selling author who has been featured on CNN, Fox, CNBC, and other notable publications. She talks about how financially successful women have understood the concept of power from a female perspective, and how they have harnessed that in order to have financial independence.

She relates her own personal and devastating experiences with money,

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Cindi Cervone-Carlson: Empowering Strategies For Getting Exactly What You Ask For

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How do you get that promotion or ace that interview? Cindi talks about the importance of taking ownership and asking for what you want in any scenario. She also touches on making connections and as well as on tips for networking better with other people.

Cindi Cervone-Carlson, Senior Vice President of a premiere outplacement consulting company, starts the interview with her own experiences, and discusses how she rose up the ranks through hard work and preparation.

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