Category Archives: Business

It’s Highly Likely Your Online Reputation is Killing Referrals

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If you knew that your best prospect was going to look at your LinkedIn profile next Thursday and make a decision on whether or not to come in to see you based on what they see – would you make changes to it?

Referral acquisition is no longer reliant on word of mouth. Just a few short years ago, in order to cultivate referrals, you just needed to deliver good products and service,

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Mindy Mackenzie: C-Suite “Velvet Hammer” Who Continues to Surprise in Her Career

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Surviving – and succeeding – in corporate America while adapting to the different business cultures of Walmart, Campbell’s and Jim Beam. That’s what our guest, the “Velvet Hammer”, Mindy Mackenzie has done. She’s a speaker, author, CEO consultant and lecturer.

In this episode, Mindy shares the success she had when her executive team delivered a 106% return to Beam, Inc. in a span of 4 years.

Then, Mindy talks about her decision to take a step back from the corporate world to pursue other activities.

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Draft Day for Your New Employees

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Is your business similar to the talent questions in the NFL? The biggest question surrounding the NFL draft each year is whether the highly talented players will become high performing employees on their teams throughout their careers. There is some probability in predicting their success, but at the end of the day is it just a guess? How about in your business?

The key to the future of most firms is the people they hire.

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Cynthia Hardy Young: From a Public Housing Project To Global Business Success

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In today’s podcast, Maribeth interviews Cynthia Hardy Young, former C-Suite executive, and now founder and CEO of Pivot Global Partners, a global consulting firm that has helped to raise company performance in many organizations. After her start growing up in a public housing project to global business success, Cynthia truly inspires.

Learn about the importance of customer connection in making tailor-fit solutions for companies in different fields, and the value of diversity in innovation and success in business.

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How To Write A Compelling Bio For Web and LinkedIn

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Your bio should provide the inspiration that a prospect needs to contact you. It should have an interesting narrative about you – not just a laundry list of what you do. A simple test you can perform is to read over your existing bio. If you’re bored with it and gloss over the details, you can assume others will be doing the same. People will connect with you when you share something memorable about yourself and your background.

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