Category Archives: Customer Service

Carolyn Paul: Finding and Keeping The Best People For Your Team

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How do you build a competent,  driven team in the midst of dynamic change in your organization? Are you doing the right things to keep your team motivated, move forward and produce?

Join Leadership Investment’s Woman of The Year, Carolyn Paul, as she discusses the importance of communicating and reaching out to your team in a personal level in order to bring progress to your organization.

Find out how she built her credibility and success in the financial services industry and how you can do it as well.

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Getting Someone to Like You In 3 Minutes

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How important is listening? In his bestselling book, Blink, Malcolm Gladwell shares the results of an amazing study conducted by a medical researcher to determine the likelihood of doctors being sued by their patients.

In this study, roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. The research disclosed a specific difference between the two groups: The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued spent with their patients.

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