Category Archives: Online Reputation

How to Create a Client-Attracting LinkedIn Profile

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What is your ideal prospect doing when they land on your LinkedIn profile page? Hopefully, it’s staying and reading through. But how can you be sure?

Here’s the problem: if you have a Linkedin profile, it’s one of the top results people will see when they Google your name or start researching you or your business online.

LinkedIn Prospecting Strategies – FOR REAL

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The Struggle with Business Development

Almost every advisor I talk with struggles with business development. If you’re reading this blog and can identify with that initial statement, just know that you’re not alone. 

During those conversations, I try to determine the root of their struggle. The  majority of the time, the reply I get is “I can’t find enough qualified people to talk business with”…or some variation of that statement.

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Your Prospects are Paying Attention to Your LinkedIn. Are You?

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By Maribeth Kuzmeski

If you knew that your best prospect was going
to look at your LinkedIn profile next Thursday and make a decision on whether
or not to come in to see you based on what they see – would you update your

Some people believe that a LinkedIn profile
shouldn’t matter, or that what they put there years ago is “good enough.” But
it absolutely does matter.

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Its Highly Likely Your Online Reputation is Killing Referrals

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If you knew that your best prospect was going to look at your LinkedIn profile next Thursday and make a decision on whether or not to come in to see you based on what they see – would you change it?

Referral acquisition is no longer reliant on word of mouth. Just a few short years ago, in order to cultivate referrals, you just needed to deliver good products and service, communicate consistently,

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Google Yourself: Why Your Online Reputation Can Hurt You

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If you knew that your best prospect was going to look at your LinkedIn profile next Thursday and make a decision on whether or not to come in to see you based on what they see – would you change it?

Referral acquisition is no longer reliant on just word of mouth. Just a few short years ago, in order to cultivate referrals, you needed to deliver good products and service,

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