Category Archives: Prospects

5 Ways to Convert Prospects

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Good news! Your marketing efforts are working. Prospects are booking calls through your website, sending you messages on social media, and calling the office directly. But how do you turn interested prospects into paying clients once they’ve made it this far? The answer may not be with you think. Or, at the very least, the answer might be the opposite of what your gut instinct is telling you to do.

Once you have made an initial connection with a prospect,

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Advisors, Meet Presenter Coach—Your One-Way Ticket to Presentations that Impress

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You have a big presentation or prospect pitch (live or virtual) coming up and you’re getting a bit nervous. You know there is a lot on the line here. So, how are you going to prepare? Will you rehearse for a colleague who may or may not give you honest (or reliable) feedback? Give your presentation in front of a mirror? Or maybe just wing it? Now you can take the guesswork out of your performance by using a tool in PowerPoint that helps you evaluate your presentation.

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