Create Truly Effective Networking That’s NOT Focused on Networking
In general, networking to increase sales quickly can often be a frustrating undertaking. Many businesspeople join their local chamber of commerce or business networking group and are initially excited at the prospects. But the unfortunate reality is that it often doesn’t live up to expectations; so, we quit and look for another way to drive sales to our business.
But wait!
There are principles of networking that do work – and that are almost opposite to what we may believe about networking.
FACT: PULSE Survey Research by Red Zone Marketing* has shown that networking is consistently one of the top 5 ways financial advisors are bringing on new business. (The number 1 method is unsolicited referrals).
Part 1: Build Connections Not Prospects and Stop Networking!
The goal isn’t to be the winner of the most business cards received at an event. That
just gives you more cold-prospecting and follow-up to do after an event.
The goal is to make connections with those that can introduce you to others based on their network.
The focus of networking also should not be on gaining an immediate sale from the people you talk to. In fact, that tactic almost never works.