Category Archives: Referrals

Five Compelling Tips To Quickly Prove Your Value To Prospects

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When a business states that they “provide exceptional service” do you think people actually believe this? It is like saying, “trust me” or “the check is in the mail.” Empty statements void of facts are a waste of words today. 

Consider, are you standing out by sharing things about your firm that are truly compelling and different? Or, are you telling people – in so many words – that you will be ‘better’ than their last financial advisor?

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The Most Powerful Marketing Tools for Today’s Advisors

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The 5 proven marketing strategies most likely to help you generate new business in 2018

By Maribeth Kuzmeski, PhD

Most likely you already have many marketing ideas – but are they working in today’s environment for financial advisors? Here are five easy-to-implement strategies that are working right now to attract new clients and fans, expose your brand, get people talking, and differentiate yourself.

1. Yes,

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Does Your New Client Onboarding Produce Referrals?

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When a prospect transitions into a client they may experience your firm as a very in-touch, responsive firm that is always communicating. But after the accounts are opened and the prospect officially becomes a client, the communication can fall off. Your new client may feel like you just wanted to land them as a client.

So, a process of regular, new client communications was developed to not only stay in touch during this sometimes-quiet period,

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Its Highly Likely Your Online Reputation is Killing Referrals

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If you knew that your best prospect was going to look at your LinkedIn profile next Thursday and make a decision on whether or not to come in to see you based on what they see – would you change it?

Referral acquisition is no longer reliant on word of mouth. Just a few short years ago, in order to cultivate referrals, you just needed to deliver good products and service, communicate consistently,

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Referral Myth #4: Referral Acquisition is Not a Real Marketing Strategy

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By Maribeth Kuzmeski

Many of your best clients found their way to your firm through referrals. But do you have a system or process for generating the best new clients into your firm? If you don’t, you’re not alone. Having a plan brings focus to obtaining the best leads.

Set a goal for how many referrals you’d like to receive this year. Determine what you will do each week to accomplish that goal.

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