Category Archives: Referrals

Referral Myth #3: Referrals Will Come with Performance

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By Maribeth Kuzmeski

Performance alone seldom gets you the number of referrals you deserve. The reality is that even when accounts are performing well, clients may still not refer to you. The real key may be simply listening just a little bit more to your clients.

In the book, Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell, a study is referenced that was done to find out why some medical surgeons never get sued.

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Referral Myth #2: My clients tell me they “don’t know anyone” who needs my services.

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By Maribeth Kuzmeski

Have you ever heard a client say, ‘I don’t know anyone’ when you made mention of referring? Do you think that’s true – that they actually don’t know anyone who may benefit from your services? Chances are they know lots of people – they’re just not motivated to give you names right now.

One of the most successful strategies I’ve seen for giving clients a reason to immediately refer is an event called,

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Referral Myth #1: Asking for Referrals is the EASIEST Way to Get Referrals

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We’ve heard over and over again that asking for referrals is the most direct way of letting clients know that you want them. However, many find it hard to actually ask for referrals. This reluctance makes asking for referrals anything but easy – and for good reason.

Asking for referrals may imply that you are in a negative position and need more business; or that you are trying to grow a large (and not personal) firm.

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Market Volatility = The Perfect Opportunity to Acquire Referrals – Here’s How

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Want to know how to get referrals in times of great uncertainty?

An advisor told me yesterday that he is getting results with this question he asks clients as he talks with them during market volatility: “Do you know people that are already retired and are nervous about the volatility in the market? Perhaps they may be interested in getting a second opinion.” Pretty simple approach and he says it is having results.

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Chris Tieri: Achieving Your Goals thru Grit and Relationships

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If there are two words that clearly define Chris Tieri, that’ll be grittiness and tenacity. But it’s the relationships she forges with clients that truly have brought her success.

In this week’s episode, Chris brings us back in time when she had to brave the rain to make anappointment with a creative director she’s been following for so long. She’ll show us why sometimes, talent and skills can only do so much.

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