Category Archives: Success Tips

Social Media Marketing: The Financial Advisor’s Guide To Digital Marketing And Prospecting – Part 4

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Part 4: Social Media Marketing

If you want to stand out in the sea of financial advisors, social media marketing should be a core component in your marketing strategy. 

Here are 3 critical tips: 

1. Improve the Content You Post to Social 

Content is relevant if it is timely, and/or of particular interest to a group of people or niche audience. You will know it is relevant and interesting if people like, click and share your content. 

The content could be… 

Lifestyle oriented 


Topic oriented to a particular segment for example: 

Getting ready to retire 

Saving for college for child or grandchild 



Charitable or philanthropic oriented 

Event oriented – either a local event in your community or something you are hosting 

Related to people in your office 

2. Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator 

One of the most profitable ways to reach new prospects is to use the vast resources of LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

The Financial Advisor’s Guide To Digital Marketing And Prospecting – Part 3

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Part 3: Pay-Per-Click Advertising

PPC, or pay-per-click, is an online advertising strategy where you can run ads on a platform such as Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, X (Twitter) Ads, etc. You only pay a fee when someone clicks on it. 

A good ad should have a strong call to action. That does not mean sharing a list of your services but sharing information that connects to the needs and wants of your target audience. For instance, the call to action could be to sign up for an interesting webinar, receive an interesting report (i.e. “The 5 Things You Need to Know When Retiring In Volatile Market Conditions”), or receive a free consultation with a particular outcome. 

Within each platform there are different ad formats including: •




Regardless of the platform and ad format, the way that PPC works is mostly the same and is a fairly simple process: 

The Financial Advisor’s Guide To Digital Marketing And Prospecting – Part 2

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Part 2: Search Engine Optimization

To improve your website ranking, here are a few free tips:

1. Sign up for a free Google Business Profile. A Business Profile will build validity with Google and control what results appear when someone searches for your business.

2. Index Your Site on Google. Using Google Search Console, plug your homepage into the URL Inspection tool, and hit “Request indexing.” Then Google will be able to find and index the pages on your website.

3. Share fresh content. Updating content on your website, including your blog, is one of the best ways to improve your site’s SEO.

4. Create Backlinks (also known as “inbound links”). Backlinks are links from one website to a page on another website. Google and other major search engines consider backlinks “votes” for a specific page. Pages with a high number of backlinks tend to have high organic search engine rankings. How can you get backlinks?

The Financial Advisor’s Guide To Digital Marketing And Prospecting – Part 1

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At this very moment, everything is changing in financial advisor marketing. Digital marketing and virtual prospecting are some of the newer ways to market your valuable services. However, these newer marketing methods can seem a bit overwhelming.

In this 6-part series you will learn the most important elements, best practices, and unwind the complexities.

As you begin, take inventory of your current digital assets. These assets typically include your website and social media presence. Are you presenting a strong value proposition, consistent messaging, and a powerful brand?

Part 1: Improve Your Website Presence

There are two major upgrades you can make on your website without doing a complete overhaul.

1. Upgrade your Website Messaging:

Does your website messaging speak to your target prospects and their challenges? If not, consider adding messaging on how you serve clients – front and center on the website. Be bold!
Is your value proposition clearly identified (why you)? If not, tell the visitors to your site how you and your team are different and why. Think about why your current clients chose you.
Do you have attention-grabbing videos? A video is one of the most powerful ways of personally messaging your value.
Could you make the case for your business with LESS words and pages on your site? Consider getting rid of long paragraphs and using more headlines to attract readers.

2. Add a Call-To-Action to Your Website to Engage Prospects:

Add an offer for a report or even a planning session that is compelling to your target audience. These could include:

How Financial Advisors can use AI in their Marketing

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AI can be a powerful tool for financial advisors to enhance their marketing efforts and better serve their clients. Here are some ways AI can be utilized in marketing for financial advisors:

Personalized Content Creation: AI can help generate personalized content such as newsletters, blog posts, or social media updates tailored to interests and needs of clients. Try asking ChatGPT for something like this: “create a blog about interesting ways to enjoy retirement” or “write a blog about unique ways to save money on travel in retirement.”

Predictive Analytics: Many of the large firms are now incorporating AI into their CRM programs to predict future market trends and client needs. Salesforce and HubSpot are off the shelf programs that have AI options to help predict behavioral trends. Financial advisors can use this information to proactively offer relevant services or products to their clients like retirement income planning, financial planning, insurance, estate planning and specific tax mitigation strategies.

Lead Generation and Qualification: AI-powered tools incorporated with CRM programs can help financial advisors identify potential leads from various sources such as social media, websites, or email campaigns. These tools can also assess the quality of leads based on predefined criteria, allowing advisors to focus their efforts on prospects with the highest potential. Check out the power of programs like ActiveCampaign.