Dina Dwyer-Owens: Undercover Boss star shares code of values


Since 1981, Dina has been actively building on Dwyer Group’s value-based tradition of running a business. And for over 30 years, she was able to grow Dwyer Group with 11 service-based franchise organizations.

Join her as she talks about the lessons she learned after she was featured in an episode of Undercover Boss and the effect it brought to her company. She shares the subject of core values, owning and living your written code of ethics.

Listen as she shares examples of people who stick with their company’s core values and became successful doing so. Find out how you can apply the same principles in your organization so you can see better performance, higher productivity and bigger revenues.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The story behind The Dwyer Group’s “code of values”.
  • The most important event that changed how she viewed the company that her father built.
  • How value-focused companies should deal with gender and diversity issues.
  • The underlying driver that enables her to manage her company and write books at the same time.
  • A story of a young couple that highlights the rewards of franchising to people who want to build their business and their lives.
  • The difference between a successful franchise owner and the one who failed.
  • The importance of owning and acting your company’s core value as highlighted on her book ” Values, Inc.”


  • You can’t do a great job living value at work, and not have that transformed to all the relationships that you have.
  • If you’re operating with very clear values, it’s all about respecting everybody.
  • It’s not about who you are – man or woman – it’s about who’s best for the job and let’s make sure we put the best person for the job.
  • Are you interested in success or are you committed to success?
  • (Speaking of Dwyer Group) We think it’s better to have a higher bar than not have a bar at all.
  • The greatest competitive advantage today in business is happiness. When you have happy employees, the results are gonna be so much greater.

Big Takeaways:

  • Great leaders are very clear about what they stood for and documented it for everyone they come to work with.
  • Many companies in America have a written code of ethics. The sad part is that they don’t follow those written values.
  • 95% of companies in North America do nothing with their values once they’re written.
  • The code of values is all about loving people for who they are and helping them to become the best version of themselves.
  • As with any other business, you’ve got to put your heart and your soul into running a franchise in order to make it successful.
  • You have to treat your people by your clear, written values in order to create happiness in your organization and high financial performance for your business.

Related Links & References:

Dina’s book, “Value, Inc.”: www.values-inc.com

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