Marie Rand: Changing The Course of Living & Giving in Non-Profits and Broadway

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In this episode, Marie Rand, co-founder and managing director of phaware global association and manager of a Broadway production company, talks about the steps she has been taking to bring global awareness to pulmonary hypertension (PH), a complex lung disease which currently has no cure.

She relates her own fight for her daughter’s life against the disease, and how she has been helping the PH community by bringing her expertise into the nonprofit field. She also discusses the actions she has done to bring large-scale global awareness to the disease, such as by spearheading major research efforts and leveraging trends in social media.

Through her experiences, she shows the importance of networking, marketing, and using new perspectives in order to bring a lot of attention to a dangerous disease that is affecting millions worldwide.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

• How modern perspectives helped expand the reach of a traditional nonprofit organization.
• That marketing is helpful to all organizations, whether for profit or nonprofit.
• The dangers of pulmonary hypertension and how to raise awareness on the disease.


• If we can lengthen someone’s life, if we can make someone feel better on a daily basis, if we can give them knowledge, that’s powerful ROI.
• We’re going to change the course of research. And that will change the way we diagnose people.

Big Takeaways:

• Nonprofits can benefit greatly from concepts and marketing techniques currently used by for profit organizations. Even nonprofits can use business models that make good business sense.
• Large-scale global awareness starts with networking within your current social circles and expanding your reach through constant marketing efforts.
• It can be necessary even for a nonprofit organization to do game-changing things in fields like research and marketing to bring about awareness and help more people everyday.

Related Links & References:

• PH Aware’s official website:
• PH Aware 365:
• Breathless on Broadway:

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