Sheila Anderson: What is Your Powerful Image? Simple Tips for Improving Your Authentic Brand

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Learn how you can remain authentic while still presenting yourself in the best possible way in this interview with Sheila Anderson, a certified corporate image consultant with over 20 years’ experience in the corporate world.

Listen as Sheila talks about the importance of personal branding, especially in today’s modern society. She relates, in particular, the need to be true to who you are in order to be more memorable. She also discusses the importance of the impression you make in 7 seconds and about the first 12 words you use with a person. She touches on color psychology and gives some tips about effective body language use as well.

As some people do not realize the significance of how they look like or how they present themselves, Sheila speaks about how to enhance your image while remaining true to the real you.

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In this episode, you’ll learn:

• What NOT to wear when delivering bad news.
• How to use color psychology and body language to deliver your message effectively.
• The importance of being authentic when coming up with your own personal image.
• A few tips on how to enhance your impact in big ways.


• Why makeup and hairstyle do matter – and more is not always better!
• If you tie in who you are in everything that you do, then it becomes more you. It becomes more memorable.
• There’s a lot that goes into what you can wear on the outside that can help project the message that you want to send.
• I want you to know the rules, but we can break them to make them more you.
• I don’t want to change anybody into something they’re not. I just want to enhance them.

Big Takeaways:

• While a lot of people may think that how they present themselves is of little consequence, everyone must realize that many people make snap judgments about others in 7 seconds.
• How you present yourself helps define your attitude. If you feel confident about the clothes you wear and the image you project, you will exude that confidence as well.
• Personal branding is not about choosing the most expensive brands. It is about molding all aspects of your personality into your image, and it has to be authentic.
• Body language plays a big role in how people perceive you. Use it to your advantage.

Related Links & References:

• Image Power Play’s official website:
• Sheila’s Linkedin:
• The Power of 7 Seconds:
• Blink by Malcolm Gladwell:

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