Tag Archives: financial advisor marketing

Unsolicited Referrals – How to Get LOTS More – Part 4

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Connect On Your Website
Craft your website to truly speak to your referrals/prospects.

Update Your Website – the Homebase for Your Business
When a referral arrives at your website is your differentiator clear? Will they be persuaded to look further and contact you? Is there valuable content on your site to share your knowledge and calls to action to engage your ideal website visitors?

Unsolicited Referrals – How to Get LOTS More – Part 3

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Compel Through Your Value Proposition
Have a compelling value proposition that your clients who refer to you can share.
It should hit on the major challenges you solve. You may hear the term “value proposition” tossed around in business and marketing circles, but what is one? What do you do with it? And how do you write a good one?
A value proposition is a positioning statement that explains the benefit you provide for your target buyer and how you do so uniquely well. In other words, it explains why prospects should choose you over your competitors and how working with you will benefit them.
Sounds simple enough, but writing a good one can be tough. Your value proposition has to address multiple topics in a limited amount of space. It must speak to critical issues your target market is facing and also explain how you help remedy them. Without one, your prospects will be forced to make up their own minds about what you do and the distinct benefits you offer. Why leave those potential sales up to chance?

Unsolicited Referrals – How to Get LOTS More – Part 2

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Fans always have a story to tell. What do your fans have to say about you?

I am a fan of the Green Bay Packers. A big fan. And as any big fan, I have a reason why I cheer for this football team – sometimes with an over the top, unbreakable passion. My reason, or my story, is that I was raised in part by a grandmother that loved two things very much in this world. The first was her first born grandchild – who fortunately was me. The second was the Green Bay Packers. My first memory was sitting on her lap watching the Packers. She wanted me to be a good fan so she would school me on the rules, players, positions, and calls the referees were making. At half time of every game we watched together she would give me a “pop quiz” asking me to break down the offense and the defense from the first half of the game. And I thought all of that was normal. 

But there was no place I would rather be than with my grandmother and if she wanted me to know the game of football and learn to love the Green Bay Packers (who actually were notorious losers in those days) that’s exactly what I would do. And I did. And I still do.

Unsolicited Referrals – How to Get LOTS More – Part 1

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The number one new business driver for financial professionals is referrals. And the number one way to generate referrals is not through asking, but as a result of UNSOLICITED referrals.
In a research series conducted by Red Zone Marketing of over 2,000 financial advisors we found that a majority acquire new business through unsolicited referrals. And for top advisors (over 1 million in gross), it is the number one strategy for boosting their exponential growth in new business year over year.
So we dug deep and continued our research into what successful advisors were doing differently, and uncovered the secrets to unsolicited referral success. Part 1

An AI Written Blog is Good – But Something Important is Missing

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I recently did a quick request in ChatGPT to see what would result. The request I entered was “create a blog on marketing for financial advisors.” In less than 5 seconds it produced a content rich blog post (see below) for financial advisors. It is an excellent list of best practices that coincides with what we implement at Red Zone Marketing and the research we have done on what is working for advisors.

But what is missing? 

Well, if in 5 seconds AI can tell you what to do, it must be already well known and easy to accomplish. True and not true. What is missing is the “how.” How do you specifically implement the good marketing ideas AI suggests in YOUR practice? Frankly, it’s easy to create a list of best practices and much harder to implement them.