Tag Archives: financial advisor marketing

Is Your Referral Problem a People Problem?

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Referrals are generated most often due to the excellent work of your team of passionate people, not because someone asked for a referral. And, the more loyal and passionate your team is, the more referrals seem to magically come into your business. 

I have observed many firms attempt to create loyalty and inspiration for excellent work amongst their staff. The problem: loyalty and passion are not something you can force upon people or manufacture. 

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The 2 Reasons Your Marketing Isn’t Working

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In business, often the reasons for success and failure can be considered very complex. But when you break down marketing successes and failures, there are really just two reasons why a service-based business is not having desired success.

1) You have the wrong strategy; or

2) You have the wrong people implementing the strategy.

More often than not, we are trying to fix the wrong problem.

It seems pretty obvious,

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