Tag Archives: Maribeth Kuzmeski

What to do When Someone Says Your Fees Are Too High

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If someone says, “Your fees are too high” it is either because:
A) They don’t know what you are really doing for them.
B) You aren’t doing enough to clarify what you do. (I’m making the assumption that you DO provide significant value that corresponds to your fees).

The solution to either problem is simple.

You first have to ask yourself the honest question: Are your fees too high?

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The Problem with Business Growth

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The problem with sudden business growth is that it can cause issues inside the firm to appear or become amplified. Growing slow is easy. Growing fast can be challenging, especially when you don’t have an appropriate service model, process, or the right staff in place. Many wish for the “problem” of rapid growth, but when it happens to you it can be like a surprise party you absolutely did not want.

One way to make sure you are meeting the needs of all of your clients during periods of growth and expansion is through conducting a survey.

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The Monday Morning Huddle

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Did you know that in the NFL, the huddle that used to be the fixture of football is being used less and less? The game is moving so fast that no-huddle offense is becoming more of the norm.

In order to stay a step ahead of the defense, teams choose to move right into beginning the play. Yes, the players still communicate on the field, but it is through hand signals and code words.

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Capturing Your Real Voice When You Write

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Perfect grammar is mandatory in English class, but what about in business? Is perfectly written text more or less compelling than words written as if you were speaking? Do you find yourself stuck at your keyboard waiting for just the right words to come to you? There’s an easier way!

Now, I’m not talking about butchering the English language, but verbally we can be far more compelling than in writing. As an example,

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3 Steps to Becoming a Brand that Gets Noticed

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How do certain companies and ideas go from nonexistent to the talk of the town in a few short months?

All of a sudden a restaurant becomes popular, an app is a “must-have”, a gas station gains a cult following, or a Broadway show becomes too popular to get a ticket for years. Wouldn’t it be great if our businesses could do that? Here are 3 ways that you brand your business that can help get you noticed.

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