Tag Archives: Red Zone Marketing

When is the Best Time to Post Marketing Content?

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We often get asked – when is it the best time to post on
social media, advertise, or host an educational event? When is the best time to
send an email? And the answer is…it depends. And, no one wants to hear that. Wouldn’t it be great if there was
one true answer to these questions? But the fact is, it truly requires you
doing some work analyzing your own data.

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Company Culture & Its Impact on Business Growth

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Have you given your company culture much thought lately?

If asked, could your clients describe your firm’s culture?

And what about your team members? Could they define it?

You may be wondering why company culture matters so much. People come to work, they do their job and somehow it works and your business keeps moving forward. I recently came across a company that made me think more about company culture and its greater impact on a company’s growth.

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Here’s WHY You Need to Be Asking Why

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Why do we do things over and over without ever asking, “why?”
For instance, when someone sneezes, I always say, “God bless you.” And when I
make chili, I always put in 1 bay leaf and ¾ can of beer…but NEVER one full beer.
But WHY?

Do you ever do things that you can’t explain?

“Why” is one of the most powerful words that leads us to deeper

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It Takes Guts to Stand Out in Business

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Standing out typically doesn’t happen on its own. Standing
out requires choice. I chose to name my company Red Zone Marketing, focus on marketing
activities that will impact closing sales now (similar to red zone offensive
strategies in football), and carry through the analogy and thought process in
all that my firm does. I even have a themed football card as a business card
and always wear red. Yes, it’s different,

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How Can You Create a Business Hot Streak?

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My son plays college hockey so, needless to say, I’ve seen
quite a few hockey games over the years. Lately I’ve been wondering about the
phenomenon of “getting hot.” A player scores and then he goes on a streak of
scoring. It’s as if he’s seeing the ice and the net differently all of a
sudden. Hot streaks happen in all sports and they are enviable. The same
happens in business.

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