Just how good is your social media marketing strategy? Get some tips on how to become more social media savvy in today’s interview with Tracy Samantha Schmidt, a top social media educator and strategist who founded her own firm, Socially Authentic, to help enterprises improve their social media strategy design.
Tracy will talk about her experiences as a journalist for companies like Time Magazine, especially with how she started out by covering the rise of Facebook. She will also touch on her experiences as she established her very own firm, as well as some lessons she learned while being managing the million-dollar website ChicagoNow. She will also discuss her opinions on the future and trends of marketing, and point out some mistakes many people make when it comes to using different social media platforms.
While the social media landscape is constantly changing, strategists like Tracy help keep you on top of the game. Listen to Tracy now to get some ideas on how you can engage more people and attract more business with social media.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
• How Tracy stayed afloat when the journalism industry imploded in 2009 and the need for social media strategists arose.
• The importance of being updated on the latest trends of social media marketing.
• Some forecasts on how marketing to audiences will be like in an increasingly digital world.
• Whether you’re in the C-Suite or HR or sales, you need to know social media now.
• If a businessperson doesn’t understand how to use (social media), it can be detrimental to their career.
• SEO, Content Marketing, UX design… All these apply to marketing now. They need to know the latest tactics in order to stay competitive.
Big Takeaways:
• Social media is a big part of the world today, and it can be an effective marketing tool if used in the right ways.
• Social media is constantly changing, but it is important to be aware of the latest trends in order to effectively reach out to and engage people to and for your business.
Related Links & References:
• Tracy’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracysamanthaschmidt
• Tracy’s Twitter handle: https://twitter.com/tracysamantha
• Socially Authentic: http://www.sociallyauthentic.com/
• The Sunday Night Memo (sign up form): http://sociallyauthentic.us10.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=9397dd43285f6d6a38f5b1906&id=02215d39cd
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